『冬令進補專案』,從11月起 天冷了,秋風吹來陣陣涼意!。冬天的腳步近了,日夜溫差也拉大了,這時最需要可以溫暖心窩的 --- 黑麻油。『富味鄉黑麻油』精選上等黑芝麻製成,保證純度百分之百,是麻油中的極品,不但具有 中國傳統麻油風味,且可長期保存,是冬令進補及產後補身的最佳商品。   另外,富味鄉致力於芝麻油品的開發 宜蘭民宿,創新研發出『富味鄉黑金冷壓黑麻油』,是新一代健康烹 調用油,選用美國USDA認證特級有機黑芝麻,以創新冷壓工法製造,低溫烘焙壓榨,擷取第一道純天 然的黑芝麻油,不苦不燥,氣味清香,且每 100 公克僅能擷取 20m l 黑金冷壓黑麻油,比一般非冷 墾丁民宿壓油 可擷取 40ml 以上更為珍貴!可用於直接拌入麵線或熱炒、燉補菜餚使用,風味清新不油膩,是全新健 康烹調之道!   每年的立冬、冬至時節,就是讓人調養生息的時刻。富味鄉提供了『冬令進補專案』,從11月起 在全省頂好超市、主婦超市、興農超市,有機商店、富味鄉 日月潭民宿網路購物商城,購買富味鄉黑麻油商 品任一瓶 ( 包含黑麻油370ml、黑麻油1L 、養生黑麻油370ml、黑金冷壓黑麻油255ml、黃金冷壓芝麻 油255ml ),就贈送手工麵線1包。活動陸續展開中,機會難得,要買要快喔! ( 詳細活動時間請依各通路門市公告為主 ) 本書將運用傳統的辦桌技法,結合新式料?麻辣鍋z概念,全新創作72道 中式、日式及西式年菜。搭配最健康的食材--芝麻 (如:日式芝麻 醬、有機芝麻、有機芝麻粉…),創造出獨特風味的健康年菜,喜 歡作菜&創意料理的人您絕對不能錯過此本食譜! ☆獨家限定版,數量有限,售完為止。 親愛的朋友,您好:   感謝您對富味鄉的支持與愛護,『富味 麻辣火鍋鄉芝麻專家購物商 城http://www.flavor.com.tw 』提供您舒適及安全的購物環境, 歡迎您加入會員,即日起加入會員並消費就能A好康--回饋禮: 凡網路下單購物滿1,000元即享免運費並贈送『芝麻料理食譜』 乙本,會員網路下單購物即享紅利積點兌換好禮。 另外為提供您購物的多重選擇,讓您隨時隨地就可以買到富味 鄉 火鍋吃到飽的產品,我們特別整理銷售門市供您選購參考。More… 近來因大陸毒奶粉事件,造成消費者恐慌,本公司特別提出以 下說明與保證: 富味鄉食品所供應之產品:麻油、香油、散裝沙拉油、芝麻粉 、芝麻醬、芝麻麵包醬、炒麻仁、炒黑芝麻粒…等,均無添加 乳製品及植物性蛋白,亦未從大陸進口任何乳製品及植物 性蛋白原料。More… 超方便!富味鄉就 盤纏銀兩在你家隔壁! 感謝大家對富味鄉產品的支持與愛護,為方便您的購物,我們提供以下銷售門市供您參考---- 【芝麻麵包醬】 1. 富味鄉黑芝麻麵包醬170g:頂好超市、全聯福利中心、台灣楓康超市(原興隆超市)、主婦生鮮省錢超市 2. 富味鄉黑芝麻麵包醬1K:COSTCO好市多 【傳統黑麻油、芝麻香油】 1. 富味鄉黑麻油:  頂好超市、 金瓜石民宿台灣楓康超市(原興農超市)、主婦生鮮省錢超市、萊爾富便利商店、木柵農會 2. 富味鄉芝麻香油:  頂好超市、台灣楓康超市(原興農超市)、主婦生鮮省錢超市、萊爾富、OK便利商店 【芝麻醬】 1. 富味鄉日式芝麻醬350g:  統一聖德科斯、樂活村天然有機專賣店、板農活力超市、柑仔店 2. 富味鄉正宗芝麻醬350g:  頂好超市、板農活力超市、木柵農會。 3. 富味鄉和風芝麻佐料300g 九份民宿:  頂好超市、全聯福利中心、台灣楓康超市(原興隆超市)、主婦生鮮省錢超市、板農活力超市。 【芝麻粒】 1. 多彩多芝-調味芝麻粒:頂好超市、板橋農會。 【有機產品】 統一聖德科斯、樂活村天然有機專賣店、板農活力超市、柑仔店、新光三越百貨超市、 SOGO百貨超市、樸園有機、台塑樂活達人、有機緣地、熊威有機門市、美特異(嘉義以南經銷商)、 黑橋牌門市(養生黑芝麻麵包醬)。 清境  .

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          熊貓狗~Panda送養【幼犬 / 台北】肥肥壯壯小"胖達",個性活潑超可愛! "胖達 panda" 剛從基隆收容所代出來時 乍看之下長得很像小貓熊,因此得名 但接過手來細看牠,卻會讓人笑出聲音來 因為牠實在是方臉大頭,厚敦敦的腮幫子 看起來更像小沙皮! 咦?有這樣肥嘴皮子的貓熊嗎? 咦?有這樣花色的沙皮嗎? "胖達" 活潑積極,身體健康、活動力強 喜歡人、跟狗相處也沒 會場佈置問題 是很棒的小狗崽子!^^ 你願意接納 "胖達" 成為你的動物家人,與你共享生命的喜怒哀樂嗎? 從小養起樂趣多 若經過再三思考,你願意承諾照顧牠一生 請接著往下看有關牠的資料 以及認養人應負的責任: 名字:"胖達" 性別:頑皮小男生 年齡:約2個月(估計於98年12月初) 外貌:黑白 建築設計小貓熊 體型:預計長大後為中型犬,約12公斤 胃口:食慾旺盛、飼料OK 個性:超親人、超活潑 ************************** 健康報告 已驅蟲 98/1/15打第一劑八合一預防針 預計99/2/15、3/15施打第二、三劑預防針 預計99/5月完成結紮並植入晶片 *************************** 希望領養人是能真心疼愛牠的家庭,請?賣屋埴蚞\讀下列認養條件, 經過周詳考慮,不要因一時衝動而來。 牠需要照料,且至少與你 有十餘年的緣份,就像家人一樣 所以, 1. 愛牠一輩子、在家不關籠子、出門為牠繫牽繩,不讓牠再度流浪街頭。 2. 需徵得全家人同意,將來不會為了搬家、出國、結婚、生子等問題而拋棄牠, 更不可因為年老、生病而遺棄牠,也確定家中無過敏體質者。 3. 西裝外套 以後每年皆須定時打一次預防針、每個月固定吃心絲蟲預防藥。 4. 若認同義工照顧流浪狗的理念,請補貼部份醫藥費2000元 幫助流浪動物花園協會繼續濟助眾多落難動物 (含八合一預防針2劑、藥水澡、醫療檢驗、驅除體內外寄生蟲、結紮、植入晶片等費用,絕對超值) 此款項將指定捐給【中華民國流浪動物花園協會】 請直接ATM至中國信託商業銀行 822 347-540 居酒屋-199-422】 有正式收據可供抵稅(捐款已交協會,退養恕無法退費) 5. 認養後請務必撥冗連絡,讓我們陸續知道狗狗的狀況, 俾能安心再去救助其他狗狗... (最好能將狗狗的生活記事與照片貼在本網站"找到幸福"專欄, 不但讓我們安心,也激勵更多人能以"認養代替購買") http://www.doghome.org.tw/phpbb2/viewforum.php?f=19&code=halfway 為了幫助我們更快的了解想要認養狗狗的您 所以要麻煩先 土地買賣回覆以下的養狗狗相關的問題 希望我們都能盡快給狗狗一個幸福的未來^^ 1. 您個人的基本資料 (包括性別 /年齡 /婚姻狀況 /職業 /經濟來源 /家庭成員等) 2. 您目前的職業及經濟來源?居住地在哪裡?請略述居住環境。 3. 您是否與家人同住?或有無室友?他們是否知情並同意養狗? 4. 您有無養寵物經驗?目前有養什麼寵物? 5. 您想要認養牠的特別原因? 6. 您會將牠養在室內嗎?會關籠嗎?若是關籠、目的是 系統傢俱什麼? 7. 人換環境都要適應期,動物換環境也一樣需要一段適應期, 您確認自己願意跟牠一起努力度過這段期間嗎? 8. 將來如果結婚、懷孕,或是有其他生活上的變動,能夠優先考慮牠、對牠不離不棄嗎? 9. 你願花多少時間教導牠定點如廁??在學會之前,你會如何對待牠? 10. 當寵物破壞了家具或心愛的物件時,您會有多生氣?之後您會怎麼對待牠? 11. 如果您發現您和牠之間有教育溝通上的問題,你會給牠和自己多少次嘗試機 會?(您 有巢氏房屋覺得牠是 "真的不聽話" 還是 "您沒讓牠聽懂您的話" 呢?) 12. 您對您和牠未來的生活有什麼計劃,可以大略描述一下嗎? (例如時間上的分配、家中主要由誰來照顧牠、您打算讓牠睡在家裡的哪裡? 或者也可就食衣住行育樂各方面來敘述.....) 13. 您知道養一隻狗需要哪些花費呢? 14. 謝謝您耐心回覆,請記得附上您的聯絡方式喔 ^^ 請盡量先點選下列私訊功能跟協會連絡,確認以上事項 (因協會送養的貓狗很多,來訊標題請務必註明:欲認養 "胖達" 請先來?酒店經紀H溝通,協會會再跟您聯絡、約看狗狗,以免多跑一趟喔! http://www.doghome.org.tw/phpbb2/privmsg.php?mode=post&u=6 認養專線:02-2662-0375 ROSE_________________"一顆純潔的心會自由地給予、自由的愛,直至它受到創傷" ?引自 德蕾莎修女默想文 聽見生命的呼喚: "籌建【流浪動物中途保育場】 使落難生命 "老有所終,幼有所長,孤獨廢疾者皆有所養" http://www.doghome.org.tw/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=40113 http://www.doghome.org.tw/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=30 租辦公室3316  .

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          First lady to break ground on White House garden on South Lawn First lady to break ground on White House garden on South Lawn As of 8:0 襯衫8 p.m. CDT http://www.yahoo.com/ Mar 19, 2009She's digging her own grave yard like "Ly 銀行利率nn.Die.Yu" showed. As First Lady, you look down instead of up, you must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. Th 售屋網erefore, I realized how come "Lynn.Die.Yu" lost "Job.Moon" eyes, because "Job.Moon" must have had ears and eyes to see that grave yard digs 結婚 from her spy bugs. Therefore, I realized how come you can kill anyone but not yourself, because kill anyone must be a self-defense (That may explain how come God allows 膠原蛋白your USA government to kill Timothy McVeigh, because evil doers hiding inside your government must already have known that Timothy McVeigh must have the duty to kill any evil doers hiding 面膜inside your government. Therefore, I realized that 0klahoma city bomb scene must be Bill Clinton and his ass whore so called co-president Hillary Clinton's "做賊喊捉賊"crime, because they must have 機車借款had known that Timothy McVeigh got the duty to kill them, therefore, they committed that crime scene to frame Timothy McVeigh into "Bi.Cold.Mold.Ben" trap; therefore, I realized that 9.11.2001 must be Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton and 賣屋 their daughter's crime (That may explain how come their daughter said appearing around that crime scene at that early unthinkable timing zone.), so that they could have unknown numbers of richest secret accounts falling into their underground chained sl 術後面膜avery terrors backpack.), kill yourself, must mean even in the most helpless moment, you still have no idea to look up to seek our mighty God's help. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 票貼  .

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          唱?外公听的歌 http://ent.qq.com/a/20070611/000255.htm ?? looked like to know that his grand papa must have good brain cell to understand his "Xyuan.Y.Zhi.In" "Zhi.Ren.Zhi.Myan.Boot.Zhi.Sin"; you government officials must not have the dare to expect your stupid bad ugly evil civilians can have the ability like his 外公 good enough to have the ears to screen the wearing inside out. I want to do my share of duty to give ?? most important advise simply because he chose the song related to Angus Tong who's my true love. Singer belongs to "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" is one of the lowest pools any one choose to jump in, woman must not get in any way, man must make sure that he has the strength to maintain personal excellent and to own the power of honesty all the time to make sure won't melt self without a trace. Therefore, ?? , you must not follow any one who in front of you, you follow any one of them, you cannot be yourself, you cannot be yourself, you cannot be a good artist, artist must have free mind, must not lose his True Love, you must have true love to 部落格sing to sing, you must not sing for anything else, you must not sing for so called "Gone.Year", you must not sing under pressure, you must not sing for rich and famous, you sing only becuase you think sing is the best duty for you; you need keep your life style the simplest decent side, wear the simple style on stage, so that you have most freedom to sing; you wear glass, wear earing(s), why?, you wear make up, why? you lack of brain cell you ask why, you cannot be a good singer, you cannot have good tomorrow, you should quit immediately. No man is perfect, Angus is not perfect, but he has the most important good remainings, he has kept his true love, he is indeed enjoying singing, he showed so enjoying singing to the degree that not bothered by so much noisy those fans waving, flowering him on stage while he's singing, he keeping singing from his mind and heart, he wearing loose, free, style to sing, he wearing cross most likely to show me that he has his true love inside his 部落格 heart, he making up his face to show he looked alike someone; his own song writings have got high mark. He's a personal excellent man. ??, if you want to sing, you must make sure that you can be better than Angus Tong, otherwise, you must not sing. Because even personal excellent like Angus Tong cannot have better tomowwor by keeping singing on stage to whore. ??, you need to know, you can do any job excellent as long as you can have the power of honesty with hard working to pass the time test, however, power of honesty and hard working alone not good enough to be good artist, artist must be genius plus excellent personal strength to pass the time test. You want to jump into "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" pool, you must make sure you are indeed "??" all the time, you must have the strength "Boot.Ja(cket).Ill.Yan.Sir" all the time, do not bend to any male or female dressed animals. Those female dressed animals who disclose her sex part or sex parts to show off sexy ON STAGED worse than any real female animal 部落格 covered up with natural "Yu.Mouth", you must have the guts and strength to avoid any personal touch or contact with any one of them. You must ready to face every daily tought love, your life must have unknown numbers of lonely time, your only pleasure is to sing from your heart freely when you are on stage while anyone else has no freedom on stage to speak their heart out. I challenge you have dare to sing smile the same dare to sing with tears on when you have the luck or unluck feeling so. Artist must have the guts to free his heart to cry out, you must not tolerate those disgustting stupid bad ugly evil female "Her.Shun" to break your good better best audience distastefully down. You must have the guts to side with good better best in your whole life to reach to the high point like Chinese said "高處.Boot.Shun.Han". It is extreme tough, you are not sure you can have that strength, you must stop at this point, do not stupid bad ugly evil to become one of those evil doers's tools who organized those evil "Xyuan.Sho 房屋買賣w.Whore.Dong" to set you naive, innocent, stupid bad ugly evil young and restless fall into no good better best tomorrow ahead. Why any man needs to live whole life tough love to climb up to "高處.Boot.Shun.Han"? In case the woman he falling in love dearest full of cold cold hatred lost her security to believe any man good enough to trust with love. Woman with deep cold hatred cannot see God's love, only the man who loves her dearest can warm her up back from deepest cold. Man with cold cold hatred has no way to get good woman's love. Because good woman has no way to show her passion to any man who does not show his love to her first. Why cold cold hatred woman deserves that excellent man's love? Because she does not bite any one who not bothering her first. This may explain how come cold cold hatred male not deserve any love, because he does the bite and eat good man and woman's good will, tool the naive stupid bad ugly evil all the time when ever, where ever he can find and get. Therefore, you must not r 會場佈置ecruit any cold cold hatred male to trust him with your license to kill, if you do, you are risking your nation to be finished invisibly. Human being life can be very simple and happy if every man just does his duty to service his only lovely woman. (no matter how good a woman may be looked alike, she does not love him, she cannot be his lovely woman) Therefore, I realized how come cold cold hatred so desperate to a male? Because when regular hate, people usually does not want to see or speak with what they are hating, cold cold hate buried deepest inside that taking away the alarm of the natural distant selfdefense, therefore, that male falling into worse than animals unknown hells. JungShiauLin is in that cold cold hate pool, he is out of any way can be cured, therefore, God allowed him to meet me the most trustable woman with no hatred can get into my heart to tell you that he is not a mankind. He should be killed immediately, because life for him in this world has no point. No love, no life. How can you tell a male with cold cold hatred deepest insid 酒肉朋友e? JungShiauLin has at least once his private part inside my body like a cold stick during his that all fucking time, more than once like a cold stick half or more or less than half the fucking time. I had not seen him ever showing big heartful laugh nor seen him ever having tears during the past more than 27 years. He has no male friend, not one. His only close old folk "Lo Yen" is a suspected cold cold hatred woman. He took any thing that I appreciated from me then broke and damage that. Yes, JungShiauLin may have had been able to take advantage of "Boot.Zhi.Jer.Boot.Jway" for his cold cold hatred, had he had not committed treason crimes. This may explain how come he should have had had died when he was 5years old under that river; whoever hypocritically or be forced(you must not force any one to do the rescue, this may explain how come USA call fire fighter volunteers, even the FireFighter may have salary like other workers) to have brought out JungShiauLin from that river dragon down himself and the same time falling JungShiauLin into deeper deepest hells. How come God 好房網 allowed him to survive? Because God loves every one of us equally, God does not block life, God blocks kill when the killing not the less evil option. Devil loves JungShiauLin's dareness to kill as long as the one he dared or dares not good enough to be respected by ghost(I was not good enough to win the ghost respect when I was young and restless, this may explain how come even my mom is a ghost must have watched me suffering to pass through the miserableness. I do win the ghost respects after I ignored my fearing to give out my name to support the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Yes, we must choose to do thing right no matter how much we fear our righteousness may offense the evil doers, it is human being must pass test in order to progress entering higher level above.), this may explain how come every time JungShiauLin tried to hit me deadly, he had always hurt himself badly. No, JungShiauLin is not a brave man, he only sees evil mind too deep to fear good will. JungShiauLin is not a brave man, he knows too well of evil doer's mind therefore takes advantage of every one's weakness as hi 房屋買賣s tool. He's allowed to close to me, most likely because he may be the only one dare enough to offer me a long time shield. He may be one of the best snipers, why he not just killed me by one shot? Because he enjoying to see me to die slowly in front of his watch, and he enjoying my sweetheart suffering from my painful scene, he enjoying every mankind helplessly seeing me under his "凌遲", this may explain how come he kept fucking me to show my sweetheart my "Sold.Sin.". How come God allowing it happening, because God knows every one's heart, God knows when I need to be called out(I think my dream scene may become reality that I will be leaving under nuke hit that I saw in my dream that my car hood melt circle up, the time I already leaving my body jail standing beside the car hood watching it fade). Americans know how superpower reliable, therefore, they just do their duty to make sure he's treated as per the low law standard like every one else, this may explain how come American government allowing him keep entering USA and may have only demanded him not close to my place without my agree him to do so 21世紀房屋仲介, I say to American law enforcement, entering USA, foreigners must subject to high standard, law authority should do their duty to ban JungShiauLin from coming to USA, law authority just need to do it duty to see his previous record to get the benefit of doubt to see that he lacks of love to any one, he just use family name to cover his selfish up, no love, no life, law authority has the duty to protect any one of its citizen from any foreigner's tool. The one who has license to kill most likely lacks of the super skill to kill a skillful sniper like JungShiauLin cleanly. Therefore, no one thinks worth to do it, I guess someone may have tried but not only failed but also died. Why someone may have tried to do like that? Most likely JungShiauLin's crime not limited to me only. His parents that brought JungShiauLin into this world are certainly falling into hells. Therefore, law makers around the world, you must know that you must not ban any woman's freedom to choose to do the abortion.     .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租辦公室  .

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          How to deal with American Werewolves lie? 1. You must stop the democratic form of election lie. (Do not go to vote, unless you are really loving to vote. So that those candidates [You need to encourage all good better b 帛琉est mankind to have the dare to come out to run, and seek the Court to have the final say. For instance, if you have A B C three pai 九份民宿r to run, A said got the most votes, B is absolute disagreeing the A can have that integrity to be looked up, that B can have right to ask your highes 西裝t Court to choose C to replace A. If your Court find C indeed better than A, then your court can have right to make that final decision to side with B and C to appoint C to b 酒店工作e that winner.] who does not want to concede can have right to demand your Court to investigate every voters back ground, and question every voter why and how he or she made that decision to trust th 小型辦公室at candidate with his or her national life.) 2.You must not allow anyone to have power (You demand every man must bear fire arms any time any place to make self-defense to make sure every man can have the same right to kill, 房屋貸款so that man's power must rely on his own best will and best strength sniper skill) money (You must not allow anyone to use currency to buy and sell, any deal must made between goods and goods, that how Chinese used to use real gold and r 租屋eal silver to eat at restaurant. Because gold and silver is real precious indeed have that real value to deal; currency paper bill is a lie, an abusive crime.) sex (You must not allow any female to occupy any public office. You need to tell all woman not to commit "Inn.S 設計裝潢heng.Young.Swine" crime. And you need to tell all woman that man can have right to kill her immediately after he has sex with her if she is not his wife.) to rot. 3. Do not fooled by your eyes, a person who has biggest lexury house expensive jewlery clothing not necessary can be a bet 居酒屋ter friend to you than a poor simple honest person. The rich and famous USA is a lie, cannot be your trustful enemy, cannot be your trustful partner, not mention to be your trustful friend.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 賣屋  .

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          No returning point [no returning point]Yes, there's an extreme way to make up that, your lie showed your down sized below real animal, you hav 591e to die the extreme way to show that you can over come your 禮服 fear more than any real animal can show to choose the extreme way freely by your s 膠原蛋白elf to die like so called suicide bombers (It does not counted as the crime of suicide, because that b 酒店經紀omber must have no way to use self hand to do the self kill, and bomb is not a tool like rope or hand tool knife supposed not to 燒烤use for kill <That may explain how come the professional killer must have to always use the sword or gun to kill.>in any way, and that bomber m 術後面膜ust have no way indeed known how killed may indeed happened HOTLY <Because if any evil doer does not deserve that hot way to die, the bomb must have no way to light, 裝潢that may explain how come you rarely or not ever heard the suicide bomber could happened in China, Taiwan, HongKong, USA or EU. That how you need to nuclear China Taiwan HongKong USA and EU to br 租屋ing all less evil life to gone along with you to leave those evil doers behind the dried dark earth.> .) done, like the role William Wallace in the film "Braveheart" showed.Ref: No. 80 and No.81 http://tieba. 酒店經紀baidu.com/f?z=126813747&ct=335544320&lm=0&sc=0&rn=30&tn=baiduPostBrowser&word=%CC%EC%B7%BD%D2%B9%CC%B8&pn=60   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 花蓮民宿  .

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          2009 12 26 新流感 看到美國前線的士兵 在平安夜裡戰鬥受到傷害 甚至死亡而破碎的家庭真是一個刺心的痛 看看台灣這些爽兵 真的是過太爽! 平安夜不平安 伊拉克連串攻擊事件27死 伊拉克耶誕節及什葉派慶祝節日「阿舒拉節」(Ashura)前夕,在伊拉克發生連串攻擊事件,導致27人死亡、 酒店打工並有逾100人受傷。伊拉克官員指出,這項嚴重攻擊事件是發生在巴格達南方希拉(Hilla)忙碌的車站外,兩枚炸彈爆炸造成包括一位省議員在內15人死亡、70人受傷。 一名內政部消息人士指出 辦公室出租:「汽車炸彈及一枚地雷引發爆炸造成包括省議員巴克利(Neemat al-Bakri)在內有15人死亡,70人受傷。」另外根據維安消息人士指出,伊拉克南方、什葉派聖城卡巴拉(Karbala),一枚炸彈也炸死一人及導致12人受傷。 景觀設計 在巴格達,下午有兩個爆炸裝置引爆,造成8死30傷。摩蘇爾(Mosul)一名23歲基督徒猷哈納(BasselIcho Yuhanna)在停車時被槍手射殺身亡;基爾庫克(Kiukuk)一名當地陸軍上尉遭炸彈攻擊其車而喪生。 >........................ 室內設計................................................................................................................. 報復破壞經濟建設 葉門突襲蓋達組織 葉門安全消息人士表示,葉門軍機今天突襲一偏遠區域,擊斃34名疑似蓋達(Al-Qaeda )組織的成員, 情趣用品其中包括一些高層領導人。這是8天內,葉門政府進行的第2次襲擊。「我們是在數十名蓋達組織成員在瓦迪拉法德(Wadi Rafadh)集會時,發動這次空襲行動。」瓦迪拉法德位於葉門首都沙那(Sanaa)以東約650公里(400英里)的崎嶇山區。 匿名消息來源表示,蓋達在阿拉伯半島的領導 商務中心 人瓦里西(Nasser al-Wahishi),及其副手夏拉尼(Saeedal-Saudi Shahrani)都出席了會議。他補充說,「領導階層的成員包括法坦尼(Saadal- Fathani)和歐米爾(Mohammed Ahmed Salehal-Omir)也都被擊斃。」 消息人士沒有透露瓦里西或是其副手的情況,但指出,歐米爾最近出現在首都南方省份阿比揚(Ab 室內裝潢yan)一項公共集會的錄影帶中,半島電視台(Al-Jazeera)不久後就播出了這捲錄影帶。一名不願透露姓名的葉門官員告訴法新社,出席會議的人員「計畫發動對抗葉門經濟建設的恐怖攻擊,葉門上週發動的襲擊旨在報復」。 >.................................................................................. 吳哥窟.......................................................塔利班公佈新錄影帶 遭俘美軍露臉譴責戰爭 阿富汗塔利班(Taliban)今天公佈一捲最新的錄影帶,露面的男子據傳是6個月前在阿富汗被俘虜的美國士兵伯格達爾(BoweRobert Bergdahl)。 影片以簡短片段帶出站在地毯前的伯達格爾,他戴著頭盔及太陽眼鏡,看似因戰鬥而疲憊不堪。 他說:「很遺憾的 酒店工作,我得告訴你們,我們已經無法控制這場戰爭。除非美國人民挺身而出,結束這一切荒謬,它將成為越戰的翻版。」 伯達格爾是美國2001年發動阿富汗戰爭以來,第一個在阿富汗遭到俘虜的美國士兵。 >................................................................................................................................... 褐藻醣膠......  .

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          善用水桶理論搞定人際關係                整理/商業周刊編輯部   我們每個人都有副無形的水桶與水杓,當我們舀水到別人桶裡,就能為別人增添正面情緒,能讓自己水桶裡的活水高漲,裝滿活水的水桶,則讓人生如同滿溢的「福杯」。關於情緒有個「水桶理論」,你如果能越早了解,你的人生越能產生許多美好的事。   我們每個人都有一個無形的水桶,桶裡的水不斷增減,端視別人如何對待我們;裝滿水時令人心情愉快,乾涸見底則令人陷入沮喪。每個人也都有一只無形的杓子,當我們舀水到別人的水桶裡,以言行為別人增添正面情緒,也會讓自己的水位高一些;如果用杓子去舀別人的水,以言行損害別人的正面情緒,自己桶裡的水也會減少。   裝滿水的水桶就如同滿溢的福杯,讓人思想正向、充滿活力。水桶裡的每一滴水都會讓人更堅強、更樂觀;空空的水桶則會讓人思想悲觀、精神委靡、意志頹廢。這也是為什麼被別人舀水是一種痛苦的經驗。所以說,我們每一刻都面臨一個抉擇:我們可以為彼此 售屋網加水,也可以互相舀水。我們的人際關係、生產力、健康狀況、快樂與否都深受這個選擇影響。   要為自己與別人的生活增添正向情緒,須培養為別人加水的習慣。但光是知道還不夠。就像很多生活目標一樣,你必須擬定具體實際的計畫將美意變成美事。以下提供五種最能奏效的策略與秘訣。‧ 秘訣1》避免從別人的水桶舀水    就好像儲蓄必須從減輕債務開始,你必須先減少舀水,才能開始把水桶裝滿。有一位朋友聽了水桶理論後,決定實際測試看看。首先他須努力減少從別人的水桶舀水,他想到養成一個簡單的習慣,就是每次與人互動時,都自問是在為對方加水或從他的水桶舀水。他告訴我們,剛開始確實不太習慣,但一段時間後他發現真的很有用。他警覺自己將要說出負面的話,立刻停住或改口說出較正面的話,漸漸讓自己和周遭的人都感覺較愉快。   請回想你最近與別人的互動,你是否拿別人當取笑的對象?或是觸碰 濾桶別人的傷口?或是直接指出別人做錯了什麼?如果是的話,下次試著在腦中按下「暫停鍵」。當你成功地減少舀水的習慣後,不妨鼓勵周遭的人也這樣做。你的同事或同學是否經常喜歡批評或嘲笑別人?你是否注意到他們會聯合起來,集體舀別人的水?下一次當你看到這種現象時,不要做沉默的旁觀者。告訴對方,不必要的負面言行只會讓問題更惡化。不過,有些習慣性負面表現的人就是無法改變,不論你如何努力都沒有用。這種人用的是長柄杓子,而且堅持要不停地舀水。如果你的身體力行無法打動他們,只好盡可能與之保持距離,以保自身身心安康。   當你開始刻意地減少舀水,接下來可以為你的人際互動打分數,藉此追蹤自己的進步情形。想想看你的整體表現是正面或負面的,然後在你的腦中記下「+」或「-」,必要的話也可以寫下來(www.bucketbook.com有樣本可供讀者參考),並牢記與人互動的 「黃金比例」——維持五比一的正負比例。‧ 秘訣2》盡量 借貸凸顯事物的光明面   每一次互動你都有機會凸顯事物的光明面,從而為別人的水桶加水。 一個朋友最近便發現了專注光明面的力量。她原本對自己的婚姻很不滿意,幾個星期來一直想辦法要改變丈夫。她抱怨丈夫很少陪她,丈夫立刻為自己辯護。於是她又提起其他讓她不滿意的地方,希望他能改善,導致兩人之間的問題越來越嚴重。顯然妻子說出對丈夫的失望根本無濟於事,她警悟到這一點,決定嘗試一個實驗:開始注意他的優點和讓她喜歡的地方。這樣做有效嗎?她自己也有點懷疑,但反正試試看也沒什麼損失。幾天後她先生回到家時心情明顯變好,兩人的互動也增加了。然後丈夫的關注與體貼漸漸裝滿她的水桶,正如她採取較正面的態度後也讓丈夫的水桶得到挹注。但最出乎意料的是她發現自己變得比較快樂了,因為現在她的眼光專注的是正面而不是負面的東西。這也使她在與人互動時表現出正面的態度。幾個星期後,她與丈夫開始將這新發現的能量散播給朋友與同事。   絕?面膜ㄜn低估為別人加水的長期影響。正向情緒會創造「人際互動的連鎖效應」,深遠的影響可能是你看不見的,但真真確確在發生。每當你為一個水桶加水時,都會讓某種能量動起來。所以,當有人為你的水桶加水時,儘管欣然接受,絕不要不加理會,輕忽這個人的好意。你只要說一聲「謝謝」,讓對方知道你很高興獲得稱許或認可,就能反過來為對方的水桶加水,然後你才能與更多人分享這個新得到的能量。‧ 秘訣3》多結交「最好的朋友」   很多小學生對所屬的運動、啦啦隊、合唱團或其他課外社團非常死忠,雖然那些活動可能不是很符合自己的興趣。既然沒有來自父母的壓力,在社團裡的表現又不是很出色,為什麼還能維持死忠?原因可能與有些人對公司不太滿意卻仍一直待下去一樣——因為裡面有他最好的朋友。仔細想想,多數人會加入並繼續待在一個團體或組織,都是因為最好的朋友的關係。根據我們對優良職場的研究發現,工作上擁有「朋友」、「不錯的朋友」、「親近的朋友」還不是那麼重要,影響 借貸最大的是「最好的朋友」。工作上擁有最好的朋友的人比較少受傷害,顧客滿意度與生產力也都比較高。   「最好的朋友」一詞確實有排他的意味,但並不表示你一定只能有一個非常親近的朋友,我們甚至建議你在職場、家庭、社交圈裡同時結交多位最好的朋友。良好的人際關係可以大幅提高生命的滿意度。心理學家迪納發現「快樂的人通常都有高品質的社交關係。」反之,孤獨的人較容易有心理上的問題。   想想看你有哪些最好的朋友?你們的關係很可能是在一連串正面互動之下建立起來的。兩個人剛開始的相處若是負面多於正面,當然不太可能變成好朋友。下次當你與新認識的朋友互動時,千萬要記住這一點。   首先,你應該弄清楚經常見面的人叫什麼名字——而且要知道每個人喜歡如何被稱呼。這似乎只是小事,卻能留下深刻的印象。知道名字是建立關係的第一步,你會發現點頭之交沒多久就變成朋友了。    不論你是要廣泛交友或只要結交幾個深入的朋友,最好的方法是在初期的互動中為對方的水桶加水,這對新關係的建?居酒屋葳P友誼的維繫非常有幫助。事實上,除此之外友誼是很難滋長的,甚至無從開始。你不妨今天就嘗試實踐上述概念,從生活中最重要的人開始,讓對方知道他對你有多重要。不要假定他已經知道了——即使他已經知道,他還是會很喜歡聽你說的。要不斷了解他需要什麼樣的鼓勵,藉此培養更持久、正面、充滿信賴的關係。   你要以無條件的關懷傾聽朋友的心聲,表達你的支持與鼓勵。做一個良師益友,或至少讓他知道他永遠可以從你這裡得到安慰。不要僅止於對家人或朋友好。在工作上,多注意別人的優點;與人接觸或共事時不妨多了解以前不曾了解的地方,同時嘗試與不熟識或甚至完全陌生的人建立正面的互動。你可能會發現,周遭越來越多人喜歡和你在一起。 ‧ 秘訣4》製造令人窩心的驚喜    根據最近一項調查,絕大多數人比較喜歡意料之外的禮物。當然,意料之中的禮物也能為我們的水桶加水,但基於某種原因,意料之外的禮物挹注的水更多一些。重點在於意外,禮物輕重反而不重要。高檔精品店薩克斯第五街百貨(Saks Fifth Avenue)做過一項實驗,銷售 會場佈置員專門挑選極少購物的顧客突然致贈小禮物,雖然只是表達一點點心意,卻讓顧客非常窩心,銷售員自己也很高興。這項做法將偶爾光臨的顧客變成了常客,為公司增加不少業績。意料之外的禮物也可以是無形的,例如信賴或責任,當你與朋友分享秘密時,表示你很信賴他,自然也可以為他的水桶加水。   讀者不妨找機會突如其來地送點小禮物給別人,也許是可愛的小飾品、一個擁抱或是幫對方端咖啡,即使是一個微笑也可以是讓人驚喜珍惜的禮物。另外也可以多與人分享美好的事物,你是否有什麼書籍、文章、故事可能對別人產生正面的影響?‧ 秘訣5》以對方希望的方式相待   如果你是一位主管,請注意聽了:職場上的讚美是稀有資源。一項調查發現,高達六五%的美國人表示,過去一年裡不曾因工作表現優異獲得認可。這也難怪工作不投入的員工那麼多。每個人都希望被認可、被稱讚,得到的卻遠遠不夠,到頭來受害的終究是企業。多數企業都是採取正式的認可方式,因為高層認為每月或每季一次的獎勵儀式有助提高士氣。聽起來似乎頗有道理,事實上,結果往往淪為一般常 買房子看到的「當月優良員工 」獎勵儀式。這種做法在剛開始幾個月可能還頗有效果,因為一個組織通常會有幾個長期表現優異的員工確實值得嘉獎,而公司也不吝公開表揚。   但一段時間之後,管理階層便面臨一個無可避免的問題:下一個月應該輪到獎勵誰?結果是大家折衷選出一個人選,主管站在前面對那個人說一堆不太真誠的好話。整件事變成一種儀式,表揚和被表揚的人都覺得像在演戲。於是,不論表現優劣,每個人都可輪流當本月之星,然後將一張張笑嘻嘻的照片貼在接待區的牆上。但大家心知肚明那只是表面文章。感覺最糟糕的當然是最後一個被表揚的人,辛辛苦苦工作了幾個月甚至一年才得到稱讚,就好比上體育課選球隊時最後一個被選上一樣,有什麼好興奮的?聖經黃金律說:「你希望別人怎麼對待你,你要先那樣對待別人。」但談到為別人加水這個觀念時並不適用,我們建議做一點修正:「別人希望你怎麼對待他,你就那樣對待他。」要真正讓一個人的水桶盈滿,個別化是關鍵。下次當你要為別人加水時,儘管顛覆或至少修正上述傳統觀念。   同一件事不太可能對不同的人具有相同的意義;有些人偏好 好房網具體的獎賞或禮物,有些人容易受語言文字的認可感動。有些人喜歡別人公開對他表達認可,有些人需要的是自己喜歡、欣賞或尊敬的人私下一對一表達鼓勵或稱讚。關於個別化還有一點不能忽略:我們對別人的認可將影響他的人格形塑與未來的成就,因此為別人加水時要針對每個人的特質。除了個別化,稱讚別人時內容具體一些會讓對方感到更窩心。將稱讚寫成文字或電子郵件是很不錯的方法,寫成文字的一大好處是可以做為永久的紀念——對方可以一再拿出來回味。   「任何人都可送讚美給任何人,不一定是上對下或下對上,讚美可以來自任何方向。這不同於主管拍拍下屬的肩膀說,『你做得很好,希望你再接再厲!』」「讚美可以表達謝意,也可以表示你看到而且很欣賞某人的表現。等於是告訴對方,『我注意到你了,希望你知道我很關心你。』」    「你應該試試看,也鼓勵別人嘗試,真的很好用。我相信知道的人都會迫不及待想要使用,你不妨從組織裡的小範圍開始做起,看看效果如何。」 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店兼職  .

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          2011年新春休閒 今年的除夕夜,陪伴我18年多的老爺車又故障了,一時之間開始責怪保養汽車的車行, 房屋貸款因為剛做?室內設計鼠O養,也把汽車的狀況告訴車行,怎 好房網麼又沒檢測出來呢?後來想一想也要怪自己,總要等汽車?設計裝潢X狀況時才想保養汽車,算一算好像也花了不少冤枉錢了,唉!算了!幸好 買房子在除夕夜發現,要不然在交通最擁擠的春節期中,拋錨在高速公路上,那可是慘不忍睹耶!要往好的方向思考?開幕活動A我還算是個幸運兒! 既然無法開車,又不願過年悶在家裡,所以大年初二就和二個兒子先騎機車至善化火車站坐火車南下高雄逛 宜蘭民宿街!到高雄市搭捷運真的是非常理想的選擇,尤其是照片中的“美麗島站”,更值得拿起相機拍一下偉大的設計! 這張是“巨蛋站”的夜景,蠻 膠原蛋白浪漫的! 我與百貨公司櫥窗模特兒合照 大年初三睡到中午過後才起床,和兒子一起去赤崁樓,感受一下府城過年的氣氛 當然要拍一照留念囉! 這是在天后宮裡,對於 21世紀房屋仲介許多祈福卡覺得有說不出的美感,所以就給它拍下來囉! 很有古意的台南擔仔麵攤 好吃的“棺材板”、“蚵仔煎”、“碗粿”....... 還有甜蜜蜜的花生湯圓、四果冰...... 好有傳統味道的燈籠?部落格情I  .

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